When facing criminal charges that involve intoxicated driving, there is a lot at stake for you. It is possible you could face penalties that may include time behind bars, expensive fines and more. While your situation is serious, it is in your best interests to know how to pursue the most beneficial outcome to your case. With a strong defense, you could preserve your future interests and avoid some consequences that may have a long-term impact on your life.
The best defense to these charges
The right defense strategy for a drunk driving case is contingent on the details of your individual situation. It is important to carefully evaluate your case, including your interaction with law enforcement at the time of the initial traffic stop, to determine the best and most appropriate defense strategy. Some of the most common ways to fight drunk driving charges in Kentucky include:
- The original traffic stop was invalid, making the entire case against you invalid.
- The results of the Breathalyzer test were not accurate.
- The law enforcement officer violated your rights in some way.
- There were problems with the chain of custody of your blood sample.
- The field sobriety tests administered were not done properly.
- There were issues with the Breathalyzer device.
These factors could be grounds to challenge the prosecution’s entire case. It may also be possible to fight for reduced charges or mitigated penalties. Every defendant has the right to pursue the most beneficial outcome to his or her case regardless of the details of the situation, the defendant’s criminal history and more. Before pleading guilty or making any important decisions about your case, it could prove invaluable to learn about the specific options available to you and how you can fight for your future.
The future starts now
A drunk driving conviction could affect various aspects of your life for years to come. It is important not to underestimate the potential impacts of a DUI. A drunk driving case should be handled with care, and that requires a careful look at all circumstances involved in order to avoid missteps and poor decisions. Before you enter a plea agreement or make a decision that could have a long-term impact, you could significantly benefit from an understanding of the specific defense options available to you.