Kentucky prohibits driving under the influence of alcohol as well as illegal, prescription and over-the-counter medications that impair driving ability. You may receive jail time, fines, license suspension and mandatory substance abuse treatment. If you face a court...
Can you get an ignition interlock device after a first DUI?
At this time, the penalty for your first DUI in Kentucky, if convicted, is a six-month suspension of your driver's license. This can be very inconvenient because it can prevent you from getting to your job or impede your ability to get to an alcohol treatment facility...
KY bill aimed at Class D felony offense expungement
Prisons have become a big for-profit business in America. The estimates of how many Americans have a criminal record would make it appear that a significant portion of the population lives criminal lives. The truth is that some people made bad decisions decades ago,...
Kentucky medical marijuana law is on the fast track
While many states already have medical marijuana laws on their books, Kentucky has yet to get one into place. However, it looks encouraging that 2020 could be the year to see that change. A bill moving through legislation currently is moving rather quickly and...
What are the penalties for an underage DUI?
If you get a DUI in Kentucky when you are under the age of 21, you will face harsh penalties because you are not only breaking DUI laws but also consumption laws. It is important that you understand what could potentially happen to you before you go to court for the...
What crimes are eligible for expungement?
Expunging your criminal record allows you to seal your records so that only the courts, government and law enforcement may access them. If someone else does a criminal background check on you, the records would not show up. In addition, you may also be able to regain...
Can breathalyzer tests be inaccurate?
When pulled over by the police, you are not alone if you feel anxious or panicked. This is common when faced with the police. This feeling may intensify if you are dealing with an officer who suspects you of driving under the influence of alcohol. After a cop pulls...
Four ways to stop friends from driving drunk
Driving drunk is one of the most avoidable offenses that someone can commit. But it has still been a consistent problem in this country. In fact, about one-third of fatalities resulting from car crashes involve a drunk driver. This statistic alone shows how crucial it...
The role of the insurance adjuster after an accident
A car accident is stressful, and navigating the claims process is often overwhelming. Insurance adjusters play a critical role in determining how much money you receive. Talking to your own insurer's adjuster after a crash may seem harmless. Our team of experts wants...
What is no-fault insurance?
Nobody wants to think about being in an automobile accident, but given how often Kentuckians get behind the wheel, it is an inevitability for most of us. If you have gotten into an accident, it is important to understand how Insurance works in the state of Kentucky....