When facing criminal charges that involve intoxicated driving, there is a lot at stake for you. It is possible you could face penalties that may include time behind bars, expensive fines and more. While your situation is serious, it is in your best interests to know...
The full recovery you deserve after a car accident
A car accident will impact your life in various ways. You could experience painful injuries as well as damage to your personal property. You may also experience financial loss, insurance complications and more. Putting your life back together can be a difficult,...
4-year-old dies after Kentucky motor vehicle accident
A child from out of state sadly lost her life following a multi-vehicle crash on Interstate 24 the morning of June 27. Police in Paducah, Kentucky responded to the tragic crash that also injured two other children and the deceased child’s mother. Police have not yet...
Do you know your rights if pulled over by police?
If a police officer has ever pulled you over, you understand how scary this situation can be. Once you see the lights flashing in your rearview mirror, you know there could be a lot at stake for you. It is in the interests of each Kentucky driver to know his or her...
Tragic wrong-way crash results in multiple fatalities
Two adults and four children tragically lost their lives in a wrong-way crash on June 5, according to local sources. Kentucky authorities are still trying to piece together the cause of the crash that claimed the life of every individual involved. As with many motor...